Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Walking around in bubble helmet

Cognition is like an air pressure helmet the astronauts put on, it's essential we can't survive without. But it's also limit our experience to the real world.

Song of the day : Iris, covered by Ronan Keating
I don't want the world to see me
Cos I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's meant to be broken
I just want you to know who I am.

Film of the day : Sixth sense
Cole: Grandma comes to visit me sometimes. She said you went to the place where they buried her, asking a question. She said the answer is 'Every day'. What did you ask?
Mom: Do I .. "do I make you proud?"

I cried easily these days, and the 2 bits above really opened the flood gate when I heard them.

I'm unable to compose a coherent paragraph today. Will adopt Microserf's technic of jotting down all the words popping up in my head in this blog:

Resolution for the day : not Logging in friendster for 10 days. Due on 28th July. Focus on termpaper and class reading materials. Stop playing around.

Watched Bridget Jone's diary the second time last night, surprised to find that it's actually quite a pleasant show. Why I didn't like it so much last time.. I do not know. This time around it sounded their accents are more comprehensible.

Fantastic class last night, Professor Leslie de Chernatony is indeed a powerful performer. Not a single dull moment throughout the class. But it also means we have to work harder to keep up.

working on the new signature. hope my life would be easier if I change the signature!


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